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Pastor Blogs

Do you have a testimony?


Posted by Wayne Holcomb on

A Christian's Testimony: Many of you want to know how to write a testimony. You can use the following outline to communicate the good news of how the Lord has saved you and changed you for His glory (Romans 11:33-36). 1) JUST CONDEMNATION: Colossians 1:21. Why do you need to be saved? We've ...

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Tags: testimony

Social Media


Posted by Wayne Holcomb on

I am not one who uses the tools of social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. But that doesn’t mean I am unaware of what is happening. I frequently get calls from church members seeking advice about how to handle a specific problem that has occurred as the result of some posting on ...

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Tags: facebook, social media, twitter

Astronauts Wife, Dotty Duke Gives Testimony


Posted by Dotty Duke on

Charlie and Dotty Duke visited Lexington recently and shared testimony of God's faithfulness and Sovereignty in salvation. Dotty shares how God intervened in her life and her expectations of what a fulfilled life looks like as He took her from thoughts of depression and suicide to a life filled ...

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Tags: dotty duke, charlie duke, testimony, god's faithfulness

Black Hawk Down Pilot Speaks Sunday


Posted by Kevin Cooper on

  Watch Video Testimony Sunday, January 12, join us at 10:30 as Jeff Niklaus shares his testimony and leads us in the study of God's word. This is a great time to reach out to others so invite your friends. Jeff is a member of our church, has recently completed the small group leadership ...

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Tags: black hawk down, pilot, jeff niklaus, testimony

Are there deserving and undeserving poor?


Posted by Brent Walker on

When faced with the decision to help the poor, a common question that comes to mind is “Does this person deserve help.” Are we to make a distinction between people who deserve our financial help? The better question is “Does scripture make a distinction between people who deserve ...

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Tags: poor, poverty, giving

How do evangelism and relief of the poor relate?


Posted by Brent Walker on

When you consider demonstrating love to someone in need, is your first inclination sharing the Gospel with them or meeting their material needs? Should we attempt to evangelize the poor without helping them financially? Should evangelism take precedence over acts of mercy? What is the relationship ...

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Tags: poor, poverty, giving

A Biblical Approach to Ministering to the Poor


Posted by Brent Walker on

Having been involved with various ministries throughout my life, I have encountered many people who have financial needs. I have been woken up in the middle of the night when I lived in a ministry building to find a man asking for money so he could get a hotel room for the night to get out of the ...

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Tags: poor, poverty, giving

Pastor Wayne returns from India


Posted by Kevin Cooper on

Check out this video from Pastor Wayne's trip to ...

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Tags: india, pastor's conference, mission, outreach, orphanage, adoption

Joy of Giving


Posted by Kevin Cooper on

Dear friends at Wellington, In the previous letter I promised to provide a key concept for enabling you to get out of debt and to stay out of debt. During the class I intend to offer on the “Joy of Giving” beginning in January, I will be able to go into more detail on this as well as ...

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Tags: finance, giving, money, joy

Finances: The Proper Balance


Posted by Kevin Cooper on

Did you know Christians experience true joy when they keep everything the Lord has entrusted to their care in a proper balance?  This does not mean however, that life on this earth will never have its difficulties and challenges, but the Christian is better able to handle the issues of life ...

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Tags: finance, giving, money