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Pastor Blogs

Jen Berry's Testimony


Posted by Jen Berry on

Growing up, I always lived in a nice house, went to a great school, and had a loving family that provided for me and supported me. However, starting in middle school, I began to care a little too much about what other people thought of me, so I started doing things I knew were wrong  in order ...

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Tags: baptism, testimony

Angel Tree Ministry


Posted by Kevin Cooper on

Each year we take time as a congregation to help others in our community. This year, as in years past, we reached out to families at Harrison Elementary School through one of our members Laura Van Epps. Laura says, "Because of your help with donations and your time sorting, wrapping, and helping ...

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Tags: angel tree

What Baptism Means To Me


Posted by Drew Gilliam on

I grew up in a home that planted the seed of who God is, who Christ is, and the principles of the Bible.  I did a lot of things Christians were supposed to do. As a child, I always thought I was a Christian, and proclaimed belief in God.  Around the age of 10, I went through the motions ...

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Tags: gospel, testimony, baptism

A Testimony of God's Grace


Posted by on

Growing up, I had heard about God, but I never understood who he really was (Rom 1:20). I thought that as long as I was a “good person” to others then I could go to heaven when I died. Throughout my life, I was a “child of wrath” and indulged in the cravings of my sinful nature (Ephesians ...

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Tags: testimony

Impact in India


Posted by Kevin Cooper on

I recently received this video describing the orphanage Wellington supports in India. I hope that you will be affected and encouraged by watching this video to be involved in using what the Lord has given you to share the gospel. You can read more about our support in India or other outreach ...

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Tags: outreach, india, orphanage
