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Pastor Blogs

Are there deserving and undeserving poor?


Posted by Brent Walker on

When faced with the decision to help the poor, a common question that comes to mind is “Does this person deserve help.” Are we to make a distinction between people who deserve our financial help? The better question is “Does scripture make a distinction between people who deserve ...

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Tags: poor, poverty, giving

How do evangelism and relief of the poor relate?


Posted by Brent Walker on

When you consider demonstrating love to someone in need, is your first inclination sharing the Gospel with them or meeting their material needs? Should we attempt to evangelize the poor without helping them financially? Should evangelism take precedence over acts of mercy? What is the relationship ...

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Tags: poor, poverty, giving

A Biblical Approach to Ministering to the Poor


Posted by Brent Walker on

Having been involved with various ministries throughout my life, I have encountered many people who have financial needs. I have been woken up in the middle of the night when I lived in a ministry building to find a man asking for money so he could get a hotel room for the night to get out of the ...

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Tags: poor, poverty, giving