Links to helpful articles regarding homosexuality
The courts ruling A letter to pastors God's plan for the gay agenda Interview with John ...
The courts ruling A letter to pastors God's plan for the gay agenda Interview with John ...
Question: Should a child be baptized at birth? Why do some churches christen newborns? How can we know when a child should be baptized? If a child of Christian parents dies, what is the child's fate in eternal life? Answer: Geoffery Bromiley’s book, “Children of ...
Is Baptism required for Salvation? Due to the differing views within Christendom today regarding the subject of baptism, it might be helpful to clarify whether we are talking about the substance of baptism or the symbol of baptism. It is very common today for many to substitute the symbol ...
We are excited to announce our upcoming Mother-Daughter Retreat Cumberland Falls State Resort for girls in 6th - 12th grade and their mothers. We want to come alongside you to cultivate strong mother-daughter relationships with the intent of opening lines of communication between ...
Overstone School is accepting applications from Wellington church members from April 3 to April 20. Overstone, a ministry of Wellington, is a homeschool cooperative modeled on Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education. We meet one day a week for 30 weeks during the school year for classes in ...
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I say to you, their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father who is in heaven." Jesus Christ, Matthew 18:10 1) Wellington loves children and many of our families have 3, 4, 5, or more children. Coming alongside these ...
The nights before Christmas when all through the land, Every creature was stirring; completing God's plan. Prophecies foretold in scripture with care Were suddenly fulfilled without much flare. The Lord had promised Adam right after the fall That from the womb of a woman He'd redeem ...
Dear friends in Christ at Wellington, The spiritual growth and maturity of Christ's body at Wellington is visible in many ways; one of which is through the faithful giving of an increasing number of families throughout 2014. For the first time in the history of Wellington we enter ...
Question: Why is Wellington a non-denominational church? Is it because it is not scriptural to be apart of a denomination? I would think there would be some benefit to being associated with others who share your convictions. I am simply curious as to your reasons for remaining no...
May We Live For Christ Titus 2:14, “Christ Jesus gave Himself up for us…to purify a people for Him…to live for good.” Parents, Students, and Volunteers What could God do with you today? I love being a Student Ministries pastor because I know God is capable of doing ...