Each year we support the Harrison Elementary Christmas Store. This year we helped over 90 families.
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Grouped by: Wayne Holcomb
Truth Matters
Why is teaching and preaching the whole truth of God’s word a primary focus at Wellington?
Christ's Atoning Work
Question: I’m from a Seventh Day Adventist background and I’ve always been taught that Christ had a fallen, human nature that was almost degenerate. Ellen G. White, our church’s prophetess, emphasized Christ as our Example more so than our ...
What does it mean to work out your salvation?
After reading Philippians 2:12, I looked up the Greek word for “work” in my Vine’s Dictionary and found katergazomai: which means “to achieve, work out, effect by toil.” I know our salvation comes through Christ’s atoning death on our ...
How Did We Get The Bible?
How did we get the Bible and what is the canon? The Bible contains sixty-six books recorded over a period of 1,500 years, but how did they come to be recognized as holy and inspired scripture? It is important to note the church did not create ...
God's Sovereignty
What is meant by the sovereignty of God? What is the relationship between God's sovereignty and human responsibility?