Truth Matters
Why is teaching and preaching the whole truth of God’s word a primary focus at Wellington?
Question: Why is teaching and preaching the whole truth of God’s word a primary focus at
Answer: A friend entered the hospital for what he thought would be a routine by-pass surgery due to a couple of clogged arteries to his heart. The nurse initially informed the family all had gone well, only to return later with the devastating news something was wrong. 72 hours later, at age 52, he died. While heart by-pass has become a common procedure, it by no means should be taken lightly. And what the doctors and nurses first believed about the success of the surgery was in fact not the truth.
This painful experience caused me to think of those who enter church for routine worship and leave thinking all is well, only to learn later what they initially believed about God is in fact not the truth. The latest fad in worship is to appeal to the masses with inspiring self-help messages to motivate people to do their best for Christ. However, a recent poll indicates most within the church are no different in their attitudes or actions than those outside the church. Teens within the church dress, talk and act much the same as those who do not attend worship. Why? Fallen man cannot experience true change through a right relationship with his holy Creator if he does not know Him, which involves knowing the truth about Him? Unfortunately, the God revealed in Scripture is still “the unknown God” (Acts
While the creation demonstrates a Creator so plainly all men are “without excuse” (Romans
“God is Spirit” (John
When the day comes for our members to enter eternity, I would not want them to be shocked or surprised by truth, but I want them to humbly enter our Lord’s presence, knowing it is only by His underserved and unmerited grace they will receive the gift of salvation, because they have been “washed” in the blood of the perfect Redeemer, “sanctified” by the powerful work of the blessed Spirit and “justified” through the infinitely tender mercies of a Gracious God (I Cor.6:9-11). I want them to hear the only true living and sovereign God say, “Well done good and faithful servant.”