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When the Bible Says We Are Accountable For All Our Actions, Does That Include Sins Already Forgiven?

03.08.11 | Forgiveness | by Wayne Holcomb

    Even though we are forgiven and God has removed our sin 'as far as the east is from the west' with regards to our punishment, any sin still means that we will receive less reward than if we had been obedient.

    When the Bible says we will be accountable for all our actions, does that include sins that He has already forgiven?

    Some people believe that the passage of Scripture that says "As far as the east is from the west, so far has God removed our transgressions from us (Psalm 103:12)" means that God forgives and removes our sins to the point that we are no longer accountable for them. However, when the Bible speaks of God removing our sins that does not mean that suddenly the eternal God of the universe, who is omniscient and immutable, suddenly becomes ignorant of what He once knew. The Bible is using this language to convey the message that God doesn't hold that sin against us anymore in terms of delivering a punishment. The just punishment for any sin would be eternal separation from the Holy One. When we are forgiven, we are relieved of all eternal guilt and punishment in hell.

    However, Jesus said that on the last day all things will be brought into the light. Those things we have done in secret will be made manifest; every idle word will come into the judgment (Matthew 12:36). While those who have been forgiven in Christ will not be punished for those sins, we will have to stand before God for a full and complete evaluation of our obedience. The Bible teaches that the distribution of rewards in heaven will be done according to our relative degree of obedience or the works we perform. Even though we are forgiven and God has removed our sin 'as far as the east is from the west' with regards to our punishment, any sin still means that we will receive less reward than if we had been obedient.