Covenant Eyes: The Battle for Sexual Purity
In a society so infiltrated with sexual immorality where God's creation of sex has been perverted, Christian families have never faced such a threat to purity and our children's innocence. How can my family avoid the pitfalls so prevalent in our society? How can I stay pure in an impure culture? Where can I turn for help in my struggle with pornography? What resources are available to protect and offer accountability?
In light of Colossians 3:5 and Wayne's sermon regarding sexual purity we wanted to make known the following resource for families or individuals needing help with this issue. Covenant Eyes ( is a website specializing in internet security and filtering helping you protect your family online and learn how the internet is being used in your home.
The following is an excerpt from one of their recent e-newsletters. You can read the entire article by clicking here.
Hijacking the Brain: How Pornography Works
By Dr. Albert Mohler
We are fast becoming the pornographic society. Over the course of the last decade, explicitly sexual images have crept into advertising, marketing, and virtually every niche of American life. This ambient pornography is now almost everywhere, from the local shopping mall to prime-time television.
By some estimations, the production and sale of explicit pornography now represents the seventh-largest industry in America. New videos and Internet pages are produced each week, with the digital revolution bringing a host of new delivery systems. Every new digital platform becomes a marketing opportunity for the pornography industry…