Did You Know...
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I say to you, their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father who is in heaven." Jesus Christ, Matthew 18:10
1) Wellington loves children and many of our families have 3, 4, 5, or more children. Coming alongside these families to provide a strong Christ-centered, Bible-based ministry is very important and requires a growing number of volunteers.
2) Wellington has volunteers who come every week to sanitize not only the tables, chairs, rockers, etc. but every toy and learning tool in all the preschool rooms. These rooms that are used by dozens of children Sunday mornings, Sunday nights, Wednesday mornings, Wednesday nights, and Thursday mornings are cleaned after every use ... then thoroughly sanitized once again before Sunday mornings.
3) Wellington has six teams of volunteers who serve under the leadership of twelve co-captains, making sure every child 0-2 years of age are loved, have their diapers changed, and each are taught the Scriptures. Yes we begin teaching them God's word at the age of one. These teams of volunteers serve one Sunday every six weeks. The teacher for toddlers at 9:30 for many years has been Janet Peyton and the nursery coordinator overseeing this ministry is Lori Jones.
4) Wellington's ministry to three year olds is impressive. Gwyn Hall and Ruth Ring teach these children God's word at 9:30 each Sunday while Zach and Toni Tincher train, lead, and support six teams of volunteers who take these children through the O.T. every year during the 10:30 hour (using Desiring God materials). On Sunday nights this age group has choir practice and on Wednesday nights they are a part of Wellington's Awana ministry.
5) Wellington's ministry to four-five year olds is equally impressive as Tyler and Delena Johnson and William and Tara Brown teach God's word each Sunday at 9:30 and Heather Cooper oversees six teams of volunteers who take these children through the N.T. during the 10:30 service (using Desiring God materials). This age group also participates in the music ministry on Sunday nights and the Awana ministry on Wednesday nights.
6) Wellington not only has a safety procedure for checking children into the rooms, a pager system for notifying parents if they are needed, but also security cameras have been installed in all the hallways outside the preschool rooms that are continually recording as well as being personally monitored by a member of the Wellington security team (consisting of current and former policemen or federal agents who have been trained by Jeff Jones, a Lexington Police officer who oversees Wellington's security force).
7) Wellington is one of the cleanest and safest environments any child could possibly experience in addition to receiving the finest instruction of God's word in a loving environment.
Because of the growing number of children at Wellington, new volunteers are needed weekly. If you are willing to help, please contact the front office at . Once the background check has cleared, you will be trained and placed in a ministry where you can not only successfully serve the body of Christ, but can enjoy one of God's greatest blessings: "children are a heritage of the Lord" (Psalm 127:3).
Without the faithful service of so many volunteers, consider the following consequences: 1) others within the church would have to work more than one Sunday ever six weeks, depriving them of worship with their family; 2) visitors and members would not be able to effectively worship due to wrestling with babies and preschoolers, which may also impact others around them; 3) and the worst consequence is the missed opportunity to make a positive impact on a young person's life.
"All your children shall be taught by the Lord ..." Isaiah 54:13
"Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you." Hebrews 13:17
"... from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." 2nd Timothy 3:15
Will you join other volunteers today by serving Christ within the Preschool Ministry?
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