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Pastor Blogs - Black Hawk Down Pilot Speaks Sunday

Black Hawk Down Pilot Speaks Sunday

Posted by Kevin Cooper on with 0 Comments


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Sunday, January 12, join us at 10:30 as Jeff Niklaus shares his testimony and leads us in the study of God's word. This is a great time to reach out to others so invite your friends. Jeff is a member of our church, has recently completed the small group leadership training and is now leading a small group along with his wife Carrie. 

Black Hawk Down Pilot Jeff Niklaus

Jeff Niklaus was born in Dover, Delaware in 1961. He comes from a long military heritage with family serving in every war dating back through his great grandfathers to the Revolutionary War. His father an Air Force Senior Master Sergeant and brother an Army Sergeant Major are both retired military.

He graduated from Hughesville High School in Hughesville, PA in 1979.

Jeff’s college education includes degrees in Forestry, Business Management and Aeronautics.

In 1985 he joined the Army and in 1989 was accepted into the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment where he was soon flying the MH-60 Blackhawk helicopter.  In August 1993, he deployed to Somalia as part of Task Force Ranger. On October 3rd of that year he was Pilot in Command of Call Sign Super 67, a Blackhawk used for the Ranger blocking force during the operation. It was this mission that inspired the book and movie “Black Hawk Down”.

From 1994-1996, Jeff was selected to serve as the 160th SOAR Liaison to Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta otherwise known as “Delta Force” at Fort Bragg, NC.

Jeff deployed on various rotations to Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. During his Army career, he served as an Instructor Pilot, Instrument Flight Examiner, and Standardization Officer.

Jeff retired from the Army as a Chief Warrant Officer 4 and became a contractor to the US State Dept. flying in support of the Poppy Eradication Program in Afghanistan.

Jeff now works for Air Evac Lifeteam in Danville, KY as an EMS helicopter pilot and in his spare time travels and shares his story of God’s mercy, grace and intervention into the life of this modern day “Prodigal Son”.

He and his wife Carrie reside in Kentucky.

Tags: black hawk down, pilot, jeff niklaus, testimony
