A Growing Ministry

In a desire to meet the needs of all whom the Lord continues to bring to us for worship and discipleship, this color rendering, along with floor plans, reveals phase II, which we hope will become a reality in the near future.
The Wellington leadership will be sharing additional information in the coming weeks as we seek to be good stewards of the resources the Lord provides for this growing ministry while finding a proper balance between maintaining financial responsibility and stepping forward in faith.
Anyone involved in the ministry at Wellington knows it is not just the number of people in worship that continues to increase, but the current facility is becoming woefully inadequate for discipling our growing number of preschoolers, grade school children, teens, and adults.
Our first phase, the Family Life Center, has served us well for Sunday morning classes, Kid's Praise, the Awana ministry, the establishment of Overstone School in support of our home school families, and all the outreach ministries like the Friday Night “parent’s night out” program for foster parents, not to mention the numerous athletic activities and church-wide fellowships. Nearly every room is not only used several times a week but is overflowing with children.
We look forward to seeing this exciting phase II come to fruition in the Lord’s timing and ask that you pray for His wisdom and guidance as the Wellington leadership seeks to be faithful in every aspect of this ministry.
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