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Pastor Blogs - 3 Logs that need to be Removed Immediately

3 Logs that need to be Removed Immediately

Posted by Bryce Shockley on with 1 Comments

The Supreme Court ruled today that Same-Sex Unions now have to be recognized in all 50 states. With this landmark decision, Facebook feeds, twitter timelines, and news agencies are all saturated with opinions and controversy. The Christian is the only person that has an answer in this world as to what can truly satisfy the soul. Members of the LGBT community truly believe having access to so-called same-sex marriage is what will make them happy and satisfied. Like the woman at the well in John 4, we know nothing in this world will ever truly satisfy the soul other than the eternal life of Jesus Christ; the living water. I am burdened at heart with how many Christians are so quick to post all of their opinions when I think of the private lives of many that proclaim to be a Christian. Now, more than ever, it is pertinent that Christians mortify their heterosexual sins and live as an example of what love is. In Matthew 7, Christ says “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own?” Many in the homosexual community pick this verse as a slander against Christians who are “Judging” them, but the verse continues to say that you should first take the log out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

I would like to address three logs that are primarily in the eyes of many in the church today that are keeping the Body of Christ from effectively ministering to the speck of homosexuality in the world’s eyes.

1. Our heterosexual sin.


What the homosexual community needs more than Christians telling them how wrong their actions are is for us to stand up and quit viewing what is detestable to God on the internet. We need to stop getting home from church on Sunday, talking about how great the sermon was, and them hopping on the computer to view all of our sick fantasies. If we are prepared to say that our heterosexual sin is palatable because we can hide them better, then there is a much deeper problem. As John Owen said, “Be killing sin or it will be killing you.” Our witness is worthless if we openly condemn the actions that are displayed by others while doing acts that shame the body of Christ in private.

2. Our marriages need to represent the Gospel.


Paul actually meant what he said in Eph. 5:25 when he said, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Men, now, more than ever, we need to love our wives in the church, encourage them in their gifts, and “present them like a well-watered vine to the world.” (Psalm 128:3). The complementarian union of a husband and wife is hated by the world because it displays the Gospel in its full glory. When the man leads in the home spiritually and physically while the wife willingly submits out of love, a beautiful picture is formed. The world can hate this type of love in theory, but when it is seen displayed their hearts long for it.

3. The church needs to be a sanctuary.


This sexual revolution cannot keep its promises and we, as the church, have to be a refuge for those that will be hurt by it. Christ is the only answer for hurting people and Christians are the people that give this message to a dying world. Be open to listen, be firm in conviction, and be quick to show what true love is. The church needs to be a place that refugees can come to drink at the well of living water. Pray more and post on social media less. Do not be a champion for God merely on social media while never serving those in your community that are hurting and need forgiveness from a holy God.

Let repentance be daily before us, approach ever below us, and reaching out to the lost be in every part of our lives. The Gospel is worth everything. Marriage will never fail as long as there are true Christians standing in this world. Our Sovereign Lord is ruling and reigning in heaven above. No matter what the Supreme Court says, we can know that God is working all of these things for our good and for His Glory.


Tags: god's sovereignty, homosexuality, mortification of sin, repentance


Greg George August 5, 2015 10:46am

Well said Bryce! Thank you.