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Pastor Blogs - 2014 Year End Giving

2014 Year End Giving

Posted by Ron Ring on with 0 Comments

Dear friends in Christ at Wellington,

    The spiritual growth and maturity of Christ's body at Wellington is visible in many ways; one of which is through the faithful giving of an increasing number of families throughout 2014. For the first time in the history of Wellington we enter the final month of a fiscal year "in the black." This is a welcomed new experience for us, which may raise a question we have never had to answer: "What happens if or when the ministry income exceeds budgeted expenses?"

    First of all, every dollar given to this ministry is carefully counted, recorded, documented, and the financial statement is reviewed monthly. On this first time occasion when it appears the giving will exceed budgeted needs, it has been a great blessing to be able to do a few things that have not been previously possible. For example: 1) Our mission giving has more than doubled in the first 10 months this year from what was given the entire year of 2011; 2) a fund for repaving the parking lot, replacing aging a/c units, worn and damaged carpet, repairing the roof, and other issues associated with an aging building has finally been established; 3) a new security system with cameras in each hallway for the safety of our nursery and children's areas has been installed; 4) a new member of the staff was added as Jake Deshler is now serving among our middle school and high school teens, enabling Brent Walker to work with various church members to establish new ministry outreaches to college students, young adults, and local mission opportunities.

    • “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.” (Proverbs 3:9-10)

    The principle of sound biblical stewardship as set forth throughout God's word is given for the body of Christ collectively as well as every believer individually. This is the reason very careful oversight is given to counting, recording, auditing, and reporting for every aspect of ministry. As of October, 2014, 37% of the budgeted expenses were needed for the care and maintenance of the facility, mortgage payment, debt reduction, utilities, repairs, etc. 63% was used for a variety of ministries, mission outreaches, Christian education materials, equipment for enhancing the worship experience, an increase in the number of books available in the resource center and our staff of four pastors, a part-time children's director and four part-time office workers.

    Since Wellington has been blessed with a growing number of mature Christians who are faithful through their personal budgeting to honor the Lord with their firstfruits, those who serve within the finance ministry are able to begin looking at the possibility of adding a much needed phase II facility with additional classroom space, a larger "welcome" area and eventually an expanded worship center. While Wellington is not able to build just yet, there are a number of lending institutions who are willing to provide financing with record low rates to a church that consistently finishes in the black.

    Whenever I think about my personal giving to the Lord's work, I’m often reminded of the grandfather who took his grandson to McDonalds for a little "one on one" time.  After buying his grandson a meal, the grandfather reaches for one of the fries and the boy, who was carefully guarding his food, says, “no, these are mine”. The grandfather thinks to himself, “I could buy all the fries I wanted, but I most enjoy spending quality time sharing fries with the one I love and I am the one who provided him with those fries”.

    I don't think any of us want to be like an ungrateful and spoiled child who continues to horde the blessings of the Lord and selfishly refuses to give back the first fruits of what He has provided. Therefore, I want to encourage you to join with the whole body of Christ at Wellington in celebrating a rare but blessed year as we freely give with a heart of gratitude throughout the month of December.

    Let us grow up in the faith by exercising spiritual discernment in the coming weeks, recognizing how “earthly things” can provide temporary enjoyment and a fading satisfaction while spiritual maturity rejoices in the opportunity to be generous as an expression of love and gratitude for our Lord, and His calling upon our lives to do His work.

    Many can testify to how the Lord's eternal purposes provide lasting peace, joy, and satisfaction; a blessedness we want all our members to experience.

    To put a different spin on a popular advertising slogan, “Give responsibly” during this approaching Christmas season and make sure the Lord is honored in all that you do.

Yours Truly,

Ron Ring

Elder who oversees Financial Ministry
